lunes, 18 de mayo de 2009


To start I want to recognize that I liked a lot the mothodology and content of the course, because It gave us the oportunity of exploring a region deeply and also learn about the investigations of our classmates, who also did exelent jobs, and showed us the most important facts and characteristics of the world in general. To reforce this presentations, the teacher complemented in the next following class with topics that werent touched and with others also very important, giving a complete general view of the countries or continents.
With the presentation we also had the opportunity of researching the topics that were of our interest, we didnt had to follow some specif themes, we had the freedom to choose and I liked this a lot because we presented actual topics and that were interesting for us. The presentations invited us to participate because each one had to invent an activity or game and usually they were very good and fun.
The research proposal is an important investigation and with a methodology that we hadnt worked before so it was very interesting. After lots of mistakes finally I think that I learned how to do the academic references... this was very important at the moment of a grade.
I liked a lot the always disposition of the teacher to answer our questions and give us orientations in our research proposals.
It is a very interesting course were you learn a lot, I recomend it for anyone who wants to also have a good experience of the cultures of the world

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