lunes, 18 de mayo de 2009


1) How is the EU leading the fight against climate change?

The EU implements a series of measures that according the United Nations convention to combat climate change and the Kyoto Protocol, sets examples to the rest of the world on efficient ways to manage and prevent the long term situation of climate change. Some examples of these, can be the programs on how to measures the effective efforts to reduce the emission of CO2 and increase the implementation of biofuels to power industries. One of the most exemplifying reason on why is the EU leading the fight against climate change, is how its industries pushed the reduction rate on the emission of CO2 from 5%, set on the Kyoto Protocol, to an average of 8% on the entire European industries.

2) How is Europe managing its migration flows?

The east of Europe is the major border of migration of the continent, they estimate that 1.600.000 migrate annually illegally and others estimate that this number ascends to 3 million. To prevent illegal migration what they are trying to do is to promote legal migration. In Moldova they established an office where they offer legal papers and jobs to the migrants who fulfil all the requirements of the office. The illegal migration occurs a lot by Chop that is located y Ukraine border and by Odessa, and it is a problem because it causes conflict and persecution.
To manage this flows, they created the Border Guards. Their main function is to control illegal immigration by fighting against criminal networks that benefit from trafficking people. They also have detention centers for illegal migrants where they fast return them to their country of origin and they give them advises and contact them with employers

3) What are the main challenges for an ageing workforce in Europe?

Europe is becoming a place where there is not enough people to work, to run a country, to pay for the maintenance and development of the continent, and to produce. The life expectancy is going higher, so the main issue of this problem is economic; they are going to need more money to pay for the pension and retire of all these old people.
To win this battle, they have to promote the health, the skills and working capacity of all citizens as they age and like this, the old can be active workers instead of retired. They also have to create suitable working conditions and employments for older people.

4) How European business could overcome the challenges of balancing the interests of cultural diversity and nationalist interests?

In the specific case of Europe, and to be even more precise, the EU, nationalist interests aren’t at all, what they could have been at some time. The European nationalist interests, look upon the interest of a numerous of countries that all have decided to work together. It is responsibility of each European leader to show to the world the prominence and efficiency of the European workforce, by this we all summing a workforce so broad that could easily enrapture almost 15 strong and economically sustainable countries. So actually which and where can the difference from nationalist o diversity interests are seen? But it is the characteristic of the European leaders what make them so special and gives them that extra something capable of managing the situations they do. Diversity, for any company that orderly and properly manages its flow of creation, is well known to be a great asset, for European companies this isn`t the exception, in all knowing that Europeans by culture are a society driven by well calculated times and precise actions, are also experts in efficiency and doing the job well done. So, it isn`t very difficult for a European manager to balance its nationalist and diverse interests, because its only interest is ending the day with another dollar, without it mattering where was it produced.

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