lunes, 18 de mayo de 2009


India was a United Kingdom colony, it is one of the countries with more population in the world, it has the 15% of world’s population. It has borders with Pakistan, Nepal, and China. It is one of the economies with major economic growth and one of the most promising big economies of the world.

In India you still can see a lot of women discrimination. Even for foreign women it is recommended to avoid initiating handshake with Indian men and to avoid public contact with them. Titles are very important in India and touching someone else’s head should be absolutely avoided.


1- According to Gangury.Scrase & Scrase (1999) had globalization in India provided significant improvement of living for lower income workers by 1999? justify.

The globalization has influence pretty much the social life within India,culturally and also economically, but what they call liberalization in kind of contradictory, no matter the lower income salaried workers thanks to the liberalization evoque an improvement in the way of living and and inprovement in standars of living, but the real truth is that liberalization, bring mor poor to the poorest, but only favor a real minority of whealthy people.

2- How is the situation for workers in India today? provide references.

Thanks to the foreign investment and the implementation of multinational enterprises the quality of labour is really improved and also availlable across the country.
"Compliance with various social security acts among the units was not satisfactory. Among the various social security acts, the incidence of compliance was highest in the case of the Employees’ Provident Fund Act. Coverage under the Employees’ State Insurance Scheme was the lowest. In terms of the benefits under these acts, homeworkers were at a disadvantage vis-àvis workers on industrial premises. Coverage of the former category of workers was much lower by the units which employed them, compared to those working in industrial premises. Among the units covered under the Employees’ Provident Fund Act, 46 per cent of the units extended the benefits to homeworkers. As for bonus payments, 55 per cent of the paying units also paid them to homeworkers. Similar percentages for the units covered under the Gratuity Act and the Group Insurance Scheme (Employees’ State Insurance Scheme) are 25 per cent and 33 per cent respectively. Among the units paying DA as a separate component, 49 per cent were paying to both industrial and home workers. Only 62 per cent of those units offering maternity benefits to female workers were offering such benefits to homeworkers. The high proportion of female workers among the homeworkers (compared to those working in sheds/industrial premises) explains their relatively higher share among those getting receiving benefits. Workers working in the industrial premises were better off than the homeworkers in terms of coverage under these benefits."

Taken From:

3- How cultural globalisation has effected India in the last 2 decades?

In the last 2 decades India has change culturally a lot, because values has change and has been transformed by expousure to the western media in other words they have a expousure to the television, but far away from there, thanks to the foreing investment and teh mixture of cultures that comes from abroad, Indias has become a diverse country. Also mixture has evolved in the major cities avoiding the forced marriage, for the notion of free love, divorces are starting to show up, and also relationship outside the marriage are taking place.But the clear thing that makes people think that Indian culture is changing is that values and belief like, idealism, karma, dharma, vegetarianism, religios are in decadence thank to the westernization.

Taken from:
Gangury-Scrase & Scrase (1999)://

4- Describe India's Green revolution.

This term comprends from 197 to 1978, and from 1947 and 1967, the efforts towar a food self sufficiency didnt filled the expectations. Efforts on expanding the farming areas were largely concentrated until 1967. No matter that deah thanks to the starvation still shown up. If this would be perfect people should grow in a faster rate taht a food production, this was the case of Malthusian economics, and allso called for a fast action to increas yield, and this action is what is know the green revolution.

No matter this, is good to know that "green revolution" is a general term which is applied to a successful agricultural experiments is not specific to India. No matter that India have been the most successful one.

The "green revolution" in compound of three main elements:

1. Continued expansion of farming areas
2. Double-cropping existing farmland
3. Using seeds with improved genetics.

Taken from:
India one stop. (2000). "Green Revolution". Accessed 18 May, 2009.

5- Did the british Raj enriched or impoversih India?

During this period, the country suffer of famine, a lot of people die, but this wasnt the only problem deseases start killing people along the country and cholera began being a pandemic. The country starts with a social and economic disaster.

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